The State of BI, Data, and Analytics in Financial Services in 2022

Though the 2008 global financial crisis happened nearly 15 years ago, the financial sector still experiences its wake. In the United States, the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act continues to enforce post-crisis guardrails for financial institutions and strict data reporting and compliance standards for large banks. G-20 nations continue to implement the Basel III regulatory standards.

To meet these compliance demands then and now, the Financial Services sector pioneered strong organizational data leader positions such as the chief data officer (CDO) and chief analytics officer (CAO). Financial Services firms also made heavy investments in analytical data infrastructure (ADI) and business intelligence (BI) tools to meet those standards.

This Research Insight investigates the state of BI in Financial Services, leveraging our survey data and augmented by interviews with a senior vice president (SVP) of a small regional bank and an assistant VP with a large global investment firm.
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