Make Data Literacy the Foundation of Your Data Culture

In numerous ways, digital transformation outpaced the formal and continuing education of a significant percentage of workforce professionals. For example, when PCs matured sufficiently to become a workplace standard, they did so long after the end of the formal education received by professionals now in their mid-50s or older. In proactive organizations, most of these people received necessary supplementary training that enabled them to be efficient and effective within this new paradigm. In reactive organizations, many of these people delivered a period of reduced productivity while they learned new skills on the job in real time.

Also fueled by digital transformation, the pace and volume of data available for analysis continues to accelerate and expand rapidly. However, data are only as valuable as the insights that an organization can gain from them. And, similar to the case for PC literacy, an even larger percentage of the adult workforce received no or minimal educational training on how to work with, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data—what is known as data literacy. Yet, every day, many organizations seem content to let a large portion of their professional workforces “try their best” when it comes to understanding and using data, and leveraging that information to make crucial datadriven business decisions
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