Dresner Advisory’s 3rd Annual Business Intelligence Value Index®: 2022 Uncertainties Bring Urgency to Deliver BI Value

In mid-2022, inflation and uncertainty bring a new urgency to value perspectives. Rising risk and capital-market turbulence will force reassessment of many projects. In this environment, all organizations need to measure and prove that their business intelligence (BI) initiatives align to organizational priorities and deliver value.

Since 2018, Dresner Advisory Services analysts interviewed more than 750 financial planning and analysis (FP&A) experts to derive numerical values for the types of achievements highlighted in this report. The BI Value Index, derived from this work, is the portfolio return on investment (ROI) of all BI initiatives we track. In 2022, for all BI initiatives that measure it, ROI averages 9.5 percent—a decline from 10.3 percent and 11 percent, respectively, for the previous two years of the index.

The Dresner Advisory Services Research Insights on the BI Value Index®—like the Research Insight on the BI Success Index®—are inspired by the many and varied economic indicators used globally by business and government leaders and their teams of analysts, economists, and researchers. Such indicators serve many functions: informing, provoking, and encouraging thought, discussion, and investment.

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