Design Your Company’s Collaborative BI to Take on Employee Retention, ESG, and the Metaverse

Collaboration is essential to an organization’s success—overall and in its BI initiatives. But collaboration happens only by design and by deciding to elevate collaboration as a priority, and make it a key component of the data culture.

Although a majority of organizations believe in the importance of collaborative business intelligence (BI), our data also reveal areas of weakness where many organizations fail in their collaborative BI design or implementation efforts and thus lack the capabilities to fully leverage the power of collaborative BI.

Collaborative BI enables reaching consensus more readily, making data-driven decisions with confidence, sharing findings quickly, viewing of and interacting with data-driven insights, adding perspectives and/or data that may lead to new insights, sharing concerns, getting input on considerations, and creating action plans for next steps. Collaborative BI enables acting on insights.

Collaborative BI’s true value comes from being an energizing function, fueling an organization’s approach for moving forward with hyper-decisiveness.

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