For SMEs, Alignment with BI will Make Enterprise Planning More Successful

The 2018 Wisdom of Crowds® Small and Mid-Sized Business Enterprise Planning
Market Study showed a significant increase in adoption of enterprise planning by small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs). Enterprise planning increased in overall importance among SMEs, as did the importance of cloud deployment options. Despite more adoption, enterprise planning remains less prevalent among SMEs compared to BI, especially in small organizations.

However, the Dresner 4Q2018 SME Planning Market Study showed overlap among BI and enterprise planning initiatives among SMEs. This intersection means opportunities exist for SMEs to increase their chances of success with enterprise planning by:

  • Aligning these deployments with their BI initiatives in key functional capabilities
  • Leveraging shared user sponsorship
  • Linking strategies for BI and enterprise planning cloud deployment

Vendors of enterprise planning solutions also should look to leverage these areas of overlap—to help SMEs achieve greater success with enterprise planning deployments as well as increase their penetration among SMEs.

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