Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software provides an integrated finance, administrative, and operational transaction-processing environment. It’s often one of the biggest and most challenging IT investments that an organization can make. However, getting valuable business insights from ERP software can be difficult, despite what ERP vendors claim. Any organization that deployed—or considers deploying—ERP software needs a business intelligence (BI) and analytics strategy that leverages underlying transaction data to maximize the return on ERP investments.
Because many ERP vendors also provide BI and analytics solutions, this can create challenges. Organizations can be tempted to “extend” an ERP solution by purchasing an ERP-vendor-provided BI and analytics solution for its potentially easy integration with the ERP data model. However, this can cause conflicts with other BI and analytics capabilities already in use and may create ERP-focused data silos.
The 2019 Dresner Advisory Services Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study included questions about how organizations that use ERP software source their BI and analytics capabilities. The results reveal insights that can help any organization reconcile and align its ERP strategy with its BI and analytics strategy.
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